What are the Best Gadgets to Monitor Elderly Parents Remotely?

There are quite a few gadgets and applications that can help your parents with different tasks like managing their finances, ordering food and securing their homes. Best gadgets to monitor elderly parents remotely: In this post, we highlight these gadgets so that you can quickly provide your parents with these …

Care Go: a Brand New Gadget for Seniors Living Alone

This is a must-have item for anybody with a family member who is a senior and is living alone we are constantly worrying about where he/she is. I found this amazing brand new gadget after days of research looking for some device that would give me some peace of mind …

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Best Free Check-In Apps for Seniors Living Alone

I’ve spent too much time myself living alone in my twenties, in another country, far away from my family, and for everyone I used to know, and I rememeber thinking to myself “if something ever happens to me, how many days will it take for someone to actually notice my …

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Best Daily Check-In App for Seniors Living Alone

Since my 79-year-old mother insists on living in her own house alone – which, I, by the way, support 100%, after all, it’s her decision – my brothers and I have been searching for an easy way to make sure to all of us she is safe. We figured that …

Amazon Prime: Does it Really Worth it for Seniors?

Nowadays I can easily say that I buy most of my things online. It’s been now more than a year that I do my weekly groceries online, I also buy all my books, electronics and other “essential” items in the Internet. The only thing I still insist in buying in …

13 Interesting Questions About Virtual Reality for Seniors

Because Virtual Reality has been proven to be very beneficial to seniors (read our previous post “10 Great Benefits of Virtual Reality for Seniors”), we thought that it might be a good idea to have a post with the most common basic questions seniors could have about this technology. When …

10 Great Benefits of Virtual Reality for Seniors

For the last few years, Virtual Reality (VR) has been a booming industry with tons of untapped potential. While it started as a medium primarily meant for video games, its benefits have far exceeded that original purpose. While it’s usually the youth that is associated with cutting-edge technology, we’re seeing …

Is Aging in Place Right for You? Consider this first!

It’s natural to want to stay at home as you grow older. The familiar can be comforting as we face the losses that inevitably come with aging, and your home is likely filled with fond memories and your neighborhood with familiar people and places where everyone knows you. However, taking …

Want to Age in Place? Useful Supports for Seniors!

So you want to stay at home to age in place but not sure if you are able to make it?  With great technology geared towards seniors at home, they can remain as independent as they wish as their age. They can get almost any type of help you want …